daily creatober puzzles week 2!

my workplace is full of super talented artists all participating in creatober (an inktober alternative for all creative endeavors) and I am doing my best to participate with a mini puzzle each day. I'll plop them all here unless any of them are worth a full post, but just trying to bone up on my constructing skills. enjoy!

(prompts hidden so not to spoil each puzzle's theme - highlight if you need a hint!)

day 13 prompt: fuzzy


today's puzzle is actually a format created by sara cantor, who is creating some wonderfully unique puzzles. they've even put together helpful resources to get you started on constructing anagrammies!  thank you sara for the excellent challenge!! I'll let them explain how this puzzle works:

The answer to every clue is a word that is an anagram of another word, and that’s the word you use to fill in the grid! Clue words and entry words can be ANYTHING (proper nouns, multi-word phrases, etc.) other than initialisms. So a clue might be "Game show host Sejak", the answer to which is PAT. An acceptable anagram for this might be TAP or APT, and you need to verify with the rest of the puzzle to know which is right, but it will not be PTA.

Follow Sara on Twitter: https://twitter.com/cantorlope_puz

day 11 prompt: sour

thank you queen of pop for being my muse

day 12 prompt: stuck (in my head)

this is a niche puzzle for people still living in 2012. to all the sweet people who have had nice things to say about these creatober puzzles, don't feel compelled to keep it up after this.

day 10 prompt: pick

decided to pick a theme I really enjoyed and try to make my own spin on it! I went for today's NYT (10/10/2021) by Brandon Koppy. so many clues didn't end up making it in but such a fun puzz to work on. couldn't italicize the clues like in NYT, so imagine the linked clues are italicized :) 

day 9 prompt: pressure

I am always so impressed by huge long stacks in themeless puzzles and have never really been able to achieve it beautifully with unique fill. decided to try and work my way up with a wider mini grid and I think it's ok?? we'll see. idk. 

day 8 prompt: watch

this is a TV/film theme-ish puzzle! best use of my film degree so far.


  1. Now I've gotta go listen to The Wanted 'cause it's stuck in my head too! (Not complaining - REALLY enjoyed the clever theming of this puzzle and looking forward to more.)


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